Fibrillated Fibres: Crackstop F
Crackstop F is is a fibrillated microfibre that reduces the occurrence of plastic shrinkage cracking and plastic settlement whilst enhancing the surface properties and the durability of hardened cementitious products.
Fibrillated fibres have been developed and manufactured to provide optimum performance for each individual construction need. The fibres are cut into different lengths with various thicknesses. Special coatings are added to the fibre within the production process to optimize dispersion and bond within the concrete. As do all Adfil fibres, our range of fibrillated fibres delivers a number of benefits over steel reinforcement. Examples include economic savings, environmental sustainability, logistical benefits, as well as improved health and safety conditions on-site.
- Improved resistance to abrasion
- Enhanced impact resistance
- Reduced plastic settlement
- Minimized bleeding
- Increased speed of construction thanks to the ease of use
- Minimizes the need for manual handling
- Low inventory space required
- Improved safety on site
- Excellent durability (high alkali, acid and salt resistance, no corrosion)
- Environmental benefits: Substantial CO2 savings
- No wear of concrete equipment