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Ready-mix concrete

Adfil Fibres can be used in any ready-mix concrete. They have been proven to replace steel reinforcement in all concrete applications


Industrial Floors

Adfil Construction Fibres have developed a proven system of synthetic macro fibre reinforced concrete for use in internal areas, replacing the need for traditional steel mesh. As little as 2.5kg/m3 of DURUS EasyFInish can be used in a suitable grade of ready-mix concrete to ensure consistent and reliable performance for your project every time.

DJI 0041

External Paving & Hardstanding

Adfil Construction Fibres have developed a proven system of synthetic macro fibre reinforced concrete for use in external areas, replacing the need for traditional steel mesh. You can uses as little as 2.5Kg m3 of Durus® EasyFinish Macro Fibre in a ready-mixed suitable grade of concrete to ensure consistent and reliable performance for your project every time.

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Beam & Block Floors

BBA Certified, NHBC approved Durus EasyFinish synthetic fibre reinforcement for Beam & Block flooring systems: Build durable concrete floors faster and more cost efficiently than with steel mesh.



Durus EasyFinish Synthetic Fibres can be used in a wide range of Agricultural reinforced concrete applications to replace conventional steel mesh reinforcement.


Ports & Docks

Adfil Macro & Micro Synthetic Fibre Reinforced Concrete provide significant benefits in the construction and repair of Port and Docks Facilities.

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Marine & Coastal

Adfil Macro & Micro Synthetic Fibres can be used in a wide range of marine and coastal reinforced concrete applications to replace conventional steel mesh.

Misson road


Reinforced concrete pavements – built with synthetic fibre reinforcement to last. Save time and money whilst reducing embodied carbon dioxide by replacing steel-mesh reinforcement with Durus EasyFinish macro fibres.

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Extruded Concrete

Adfil Macro & Micro Synthetic Fibre Reinforced Concrete provide significant benefits in the construction of Extruded Concrete projects

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Adfil Macro & Micro Synthetic Fibre Reinforced Concrete provide significant benefits in the construction Slipways

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Waste transfer

Adfil Macro & Micro Synthetic Fibre Reinforced Concrete provide significant benefits in the construction of Recycling & Waste Transfer sites

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Bio digester units

Adfil Macro & Micro Synthetic Fibre Reinforced Concrete provide significant benefits in the construction of Bio Digester sites

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Wind farm bases

Adfil Macro & Micro Synthetic Fibre Reinforced Concrete provide significant benefits in the construction of Wind Farm projects

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Metro & track slab

Adfil Macro & Micro Synthetic Fibre Reinforced Concrete provide significant benefits in the construction of Track Slab & Metro projects